Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Little Garden

Even though this blog is going to be about my little garden, I just had to start out with this picture. Isn't it beautiful? I am always sad to see the cherry blossoms come off the trees in the Spring, but I get to enjoy them a little longer when they fall and make a soft, pretty blanket on the ground and driveway.

I was home from work yesterday because the stomach bug that has been hitting everyone else finally found me. I woke up to nausea in the middle of the night and spent most of the day in bed. By late afternoon, I felt better and it cheered me up when I walked out to the mailbox and saw this lovely sight. Fortunately, this bug only appears to last for about twelve hours. Unfortunately, Steve said he is starting to not feel so good.

Last year I had no garden at all, and I really missed it. Megan got married right at the beginning of May and there was just so much stuff going on that the garden never materialized. Gardening was never my thing and I don't want much of one, but I do like to be able to go out and at least pick my own tomatoes off the vine.

We have an area at the back of the house, underneath the steps that is actually pretty messy. Years ago we had built up a little garden plot, piled dirt in it and put logs around it and planted things in it. As the years went by, it was often neglected. I usually put a few things out like tomatoes and eggplants but that was often the extent of it and most of the rest of the area was just grown up in weeds. Since it isn't really noticeable from the road, it is easy to just ignore this unsightly area. The other year Steve laid plastic over the entire plot and that has definitely helped with the weeds but not with how it looks. The black plastic doesn't make the area any more appealing.  

Last Saturday, we had Jay and Kristen's children for the day and decided to plant a few things in our garden. Steve and Mark went to a local greenhouse and picked up lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, lima beans and green beans. Steve cut out holes in the plastic and he and the children planted the vegetables. I know my garden doesn't look that great, but I am excited about it and that's what counts. I am looking forward to picking those tomatoes!

Alexis and Lydia watering the plants.

Mark  :)

Mark was Grandpa's helper, bringing him the plants.

This girl makes me smile :)  I love how this picture makes the cup look huge.

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