Saturday, October 24, 2020

Mark's Birthday and Alexis' Appendicitis


Love his smile! 

We started out the week by celebrating Mark's 8th birthday on Sunday. He is such a delightful, cheerful boy and one of the things I always look forward to when we stop for a visit is Mark's beaming smile and cheery hello to us. He had an ice cream cake and a chocolate tractor cake which he made himself (although he didn't do the decorating). It is pretty amazing how all the older children can just decide they want cookies or cake and go into the kitchen and mix up the ingredients and bake them all by themselves. We enjoyed celebrating Mark's birthday with him. His birthday gift request was for an adult lawn chair. I guess once you are eight years old you no longer want to sit in a child's one :)

Here is the birthday video.

That was Sunday night and everyone seemed happy and healthy. On Monday, Alexis didn't feel well and threw up quite a bit. She felt better on Tuesday, but on Wednesday she pretty much laid around in pain. Wednesday evening Kristen took her to Urgent Care and after taking a sonogram they sent her to LGH for an appendectomy. She had the surgery on Thursday morning and came home Friday afternoon. Kristen stayed with her the entire time so Jay was home with the rest of the children. Because of Covid, Janae was not allowed to be with Kristen in the hospital. Janae has just started eating some soft foods but mainly is still nursing and had never taken a bottle. The first night, when she woke up for a feeding, Jay had nothing to give her but applesauce! I wasn't sure who I felt sorrier for! Alexis, Kristen, Jay or Janae! He said it was a long night, but they made it through. Julissa spent some hours with the children on Thursday so Jay could take Janae to the hospital parking lot and Kristen was able to come out to the car and nurse her. Jay stopped and bought bottles and formula so he was more prepared for the second night and he said it went better. Because of some infection, they weren't sure if Alexis would have to stay in another night, but thankfully she was discharged on Friday afternoon. Here is a picture of Alexis after arriving home. She is smiling and I'm sure the rest of the family is as well!
There's no place like home!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Bryce!

Today this little guy is 1 year old! Bryce is a little sweetheart and I really enjoy keeping him every other Wednesday. He is pretty laid back and very contented with what life gives him. On Wednesday, Melissa brought cupcakes to celebrate his birthday. Bryce wasn't sure what all the fuss was about but was happy to eat the cupcake. 

Waiting for the cupcake and wondering why everyone is looking at him

My video that I took of him receiving the cupcake didn't record, but here he is finishing up.

Yum! That was good!

Happy birthday dear Bryce! We love you!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Just Horsing Around!

We had quite a different service at church this morning. A man who uses horses as therapy was our guest speaker. He brought his horse, Hope, along and delivered a very thought provoking sermon using Hope as a prop. At one point he had Hope lay down and then more or less volunteered Steve to join him on sitting on her!

He encouraged us to trust God just as Hope trusts him. She doesn't always like what he asks her to do and at times she will get distracted and wish to indulge in something she enjoys (like eating) but ultimately she knows that her owner loves her and wants what is best for her and she follows his lead.

Afterward, time was given for anyone who wished to ride Hope. Julissa was delighted to accept the invitation.

Getting instructions

Riding like a pro!

Here's a couple of video clips of Julissa riding Hope.

Julissa said that as a girl, she always wanted a horse but now she realizes how much work and how time consuming it would be to own one. I think she and Josh are going to opt for a donkey instead of a horse in the near future. They certainly have their own little McDonald Farm and it is fun to see the additions they keep adding to it.