Monday, September 21, 2020

Gender Reveal!!

Yesterday was a gender reveal party for baby Kreider! You should know already by the color type I am using what the sex of the baby is!

Megan and Jeremy had a small party in the afternoon with about 10 friends where they put off some explosives to reveal the gender. Up until this time neither of them knew the sex of the baby. At the ultrasound, they had asked for two sealed envelopes with the info inside. They dropped one envelope off at one of their friends who agreed to set up the explosives for them. The other they gave to a neighbor who has a small bakery to make cupcakes. 

You know how you always have a feeling that you know the gender? I was convinced they were having a girl and both Megan & Jeremy thought so too. Imagine their surprise, when this is what the explosives revealed.

I see a big fireball with a little blue in it :)

The second party was in the evening for grandparents and siblings and cousins-to-be. For Jeremy's parents this will be their 10th grandchild. Their oldest is a girl and after that they have all boys! So they were all wishing for a girl. For Steve and I, this will be our 9th grandchild and we currently have 5 girls and 3 boys. We did not have a preference, but like I said, I really thought it was a girl. We all gathered outside Megan and Jeremy's house and they distributed cupcakes to all of us. We counted down from five and at zero everyone bit into their cupcake. Inside was a nice little glob of blue icing! 

Can you believe that none of us thought to take a picture of the inside!

All ready to take a bite of our cupcakes

After we had eaten the cupcakes, Jeremy set off a little blue smoke bomb. We hadn't realized it, but until then some of the little boys were still oblivious as to what sex the baby was. They had happily eaten their cupcake but the blue blob didn't mean anything to them. Suddenly when they saw the blue smoke they started jumping around and excitedly yelling "it's a boy!" We all got a good laugh out of that.

Very blue smoke

The children checking out the smoke. I believe that is Awstin with his head right in it.

Here is a picture of the happy couple!

So much to be thankful for

I can't wait to meet the little man! February will be here before we know it!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Follow-Up of our Choo-Choo Barn Masked Experience


Masked and ready for entry

As I mentioned in a previous Blog, I agreed to take Awstin to the Choo Choo Barn if he was sure he could keep a mask on for the entire time. Bless his heart, he tried, he really did, but this is what it ended up looking like most of the time.

Not quite covering his nose and mouth

As soon as I would mention to him that he wasn't wearing his mask properly he would push it back up. Thankfully for us, there was hardly anyone else there and we were able to stay far away from those that were. We had a wonderful time and I was really glad that we went. However, I wasn't sure if I should try it again in case there were a lot of people there. I decided to take him one more time before school started so we went last Wednesday. You can see from the picture why he was better able to keep his face covered.

A shield is so much easier to keep on than a mask.

Our experience was a good one this time too, but there were a lot more people there, so I was very thankful that he was properly wearing a face shield. 

I am including this picture because I just like it. What is better than a Grandpa and his grandson taking a nap together?

Grandpa and Bryce

Also, I am so excited to share that we have another Blogger in the family! Check out to find out who it is!

Alexis' Birthday and Jay & Kristen's New House


Alexis and Janae :)
Birthday Girl and her littlest sister :)

I can't believe that Alexis is 11 years old already. She is such a fun-loving girl and a wonderful big sister. She loves babies and as you can see from this picture she wanted to include Janae in all her birthday pictures. Here is the traditional birthday video.

We very much enjoyed Alexis' party and it was especially special because it was in their new house! Jay and Kristen moved a few weeks ago and now they have so much more room than before for all of them to spread out. It is absolutely wonderful!

Here are a few pictures of their house, which I just took today. Steve's mom is staying with us for a few days, so she and I visited with them for a few hours this afternoon.
The outside


Another view of the kitchen

Living Room

Mom loved holding Janae...

...and Janae loved it too because she soon fell asleep!