Monday, March 23, 2015

Bridal Shower

I am finally getting around to blogging about and posting pictures from the bridal shower that Megan's bridesmaids had for her on Saturday, March 7. It was intended to be a surprise and although everyone did a great job of keeping it secret, Megan was kind of expecting it the week that her Maid of Honor, Katey, was home on spring break. So when the entire week passed by and there was only one day left and Katey suggested that she pick her up and take her to hang out with friends, it was kind of hard for her not to be suspicious, especially when Katey mentioned that she needed to stop by the church to pick up some ice cream that she had left in the freezer there. One can never by absolutely positive about such things though, so until it actually happened and she was greeted by "SURPRISE!!" when she opened the church door, Megan wasn't 100% certain that it was going to take place.

The girls did a wonderful job of planning the evening. There were about 40 women and girls there and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The decorations were beautiful, the food was delicious, the games were fun and Megan was the recipient of many useful and nice gifts. When I look at everything that Megan has received from her Tupperware and Pampered Chef parties and now the bridal shower, with wedding gifts still to come, I am amazed. It is such a blessing (and a huge savings) to be able to start married life without having to buy all these things yourselves.
Gift/Goodie Bags for Everyone

Becky Gochnauer and Katey Ebaugh did the decorating. It was beautiful!

Guests wrote on Bingo sheets what they thought Megan would receive as gifts and then played Bingo  with candy hearts as she opened her gifts. The first three to score Bingo received a prize.
Katey selected a variety of pictures of Megan throughout her life and arranged them on bulletin boards around the room.

Backdrop for Megan's seat while opening gifts.

Kristen and Megan sharing a laugh soon after Megan' arrival.
Food was first on the agenda! Ham and cheese sandwiches, fruit and veggie platters, chips and punch...

....and of course cake. From left to right: Emily Ebaugh, Kristen Gochnauer, Megan, Katey Ebaugh. Megan has one more bridesmaid, Renae Gochnauer, who was unable to attend because of being away at college.

Chatting and filling out their Bingo cards.

Alexis, who is going to be the flower girl, especially liked the Bingo game. She watched carefully as all the gifts were opened so she wouldn't miss putting a candy heart on a square.

Trying to fill out the answers to the "What do you know about Megan?"  game.

One of the most amazing things that Megan and Jeremy discovered after they started dating was that they both had a set of grandparents named Marlin & Elsie. How unusual is that?!?! Here is Jeremy's grandma, Elsie Kreider....

...and here is Megan's grandma, Elsie Lehman, holding Hannah.  (This is probably my favorite picture.)

Megan answers the questions to the "What do you know about Megan?" game.
 Opening her gifts.
 Apparently Kristen didn't think much of the flower bouquet she created from the tissue paper.

It was a fun evening and I know Megan appreciated all the hard work that her bridesmaids put into it. It's hard to believe that we are only six weeks away from the wedding. The invitations have been mailed and more and more things are getting checked off the to do list. I am pleased to report that I now have a pair of sandals to wear with my dress! I do believe I am going to be ready for this wedding!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Few Snapshots

I thought I would fill my blog today with some snapshots of the grandchildren. (Surprise! Surprise!) On Tuesday night, I entertained the Bible Study kids at New Danville Mennonite Church. A group of young marrieds and singles get together for a Bible Study twice a month and Jay and Kristen are part of the group. I watch the children the third Tuesday of every month for them. It is usually just Alexis, Lydia, Mark, & two other little girls that I am in charge of. Here are some pictures of this past Tuesday.

Mark lined up all the farm toys I brought for him and posed for a picture. He looks and acts so much like Jay did at that age. I remember how Jay used to love to line up all his "bimp bimp" (equipment).
Lydia was so pleased with her artwork!

These two girls (Ashlyn & Sarah) loved making bead bracelets. I don't think Sarah (the older one would have ever tired of it. She continued to make them all evening!

Alexis shows off her pretty strand. I love how the colors she chose perfectly match her shirt!

I brought Alexis and Lydia home with me from Bible Study and they spent the night so on Wednesday I had them and Awstin. Awstin was quite happy to see them. Here he watches as they venture out to our drainage ditch. It was really cold but they played outside for a good half hour.

Ever the venturous one, Lydia wondered way up on the rocks. Alexis enjoyed picking up stones and tossing them into the water. She slipped and got her knees muddy. After I took this picture, she said "you're not going to send that to my mommy are you? She'll see that my pants are dirty." I assured her I wouldn't so if you are reading this Kristen, don't tell her you saw the picture! We tossed the pants into the wash and they came out as good as new.

Awstin enjoyed riding the tricycle but didn't understand the pedal concept.
Here he goes! 

Lydia shows him how it is done!

Here Alexis shows off her block house creation.
I do believe Awstin is getting more assertive. He is definitely giving Alexis the stare down and saying "mine" even though it isn't very clear.  
When I took the girls home, Mark said to me sadly "I didn't pack my clothes." Bless his heart. Soon I will have to have him over for the night.
I love that the grandchildren like to come to my house.  I try to make them feel special and you know what? They make me feel special too!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekend Getaway

Steve and I enjoyed a brief getaway at Ocean Pines, Maryland this weekend. One of the members on the Board at New Hope has a beach house there and Steve decided to surprise me for my birthday and reserved it for us. It was wonderful to get away for a little bit. Life moves so fast and it seems like we just don't stop and enjoy it enough. I like the way a mini vacation gives time for relaxation, renewal and enjoyment of life and each other.
There were a lot of geese around the area where we were staying and I had Steve stop the car so I could snap a picture of the two shown here. They were very tame and curious. They didn't mind the people and they assumed (correctly) that cars would stop for them when they crossed the road.
I am not a summertime beach person. I hate it when the beaches are crowded and it is hot and the sand gets in everything. But I love to watch the ocean and the waves so offseason is the perfect time for me to go to the beach. Seeing the ocean and the sky connect is always mesmerizing to me and is a perfect display of God's handiwork and power.

Yes, I am now fifty-five years old. Instead of bemoaning that I am getting older, I am just thankful for the years that God has allowed me to enjoy this beautiful earth. There are definitely benefits to aging. With the children all grown and out of the house, it is almost like being young again--you only have yourself and your spouse to worry about. You have the freedom to come and go as you please and do what you want.You have the enjoyment of grandchildren who come and give you hugs, smiles and laughs, and then leave again and you realize that you are no longer responsible for little people--it is someone else's turn for that. And you know what? Most days that feels pretty good.
I just need to remember that I am now old enough to ask for a senior discount....

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Dress

I am happy to report that I have found a dress to wear to the wedding! I can't say that when I tried it on my sister and I immediately thought it was the perfect dress, but we both liked it and after looking at other options, I decided to be satisfied with it. I brought it home and put it on to show Megan and she said that it was very nice and that I looked good in it (whatever that means). Anyway, if I think it is okay and Megan says it is suitable to wear to her wedding than I am finished looking.
Also, I don't usually mention what something costs, but I was pretty pleased to get the dress for $30.00! I was prepared to pay a lot more than that. I purchased it at the Burlington Coat Factory at East Town Mall. We also went to The Dress Barn and Ross's. After the fiasco at Park City with not even being able to find dresses, I was pleased with the selection that was available.
So...that is one big thing I can chalk off my list. Now, hopefully it isn't as difficult to find something to wear on my feet!