Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Few Snapshots

I thought I would fill my blog today with some snapshots of the grandchildren. (Surprise! Surprise!) On Tuesday night, I entertained the Bible Study kids at New Danville Mennonite Church. A group of young marrieds and singles get together for a Bible Study twice a month and Jay and Kristen are part of the group. I watch the children the third Tuesday of every month for them. It is usually just Alexis, Lydia, Mark, & two other little girls that I am in charge of. Here are some pictures of this past Tuesday.

Mark lined up all the farm toys I brought for him and posed for a picture. He looks and acts so much like Jay did at that age. I remember how Jay used to love to line up all his "bimp bimp" (equipment).
Lydia was so pleased with her artwork!

These two girls (Ashlyn & Sarah) loved making bead bracelets. I don't think Sarah (the older one would have ever tired of it. She continued to make them all evening!

Alexis shows off her pretty strand. I love how the colors she chose perfectly match her shirt!

I brought Alexis and Lydia home with me from Bible Study and they spent the night so on Wednesday I had them and Awstin. Awstin was quite happy to see them. Here he watches as they venture out to our drainage ditch. It was really cold but they played outside for a good half hour.

Ever the venturous one, Lydia wondered way up on the rocks. Alexis enjoyed picking up stones and tossing them into the water. She slipped and got her knees muddy. After I took this picture, she said "you're not going to send that to my mommy are you? She'll see that my pants are dirty." I assured her I wouldn't so if you are reading this Kristen, don't tell her you saw the picture! We tossed the pants into the wash and they came out as good as new.

Awstin enjoyed riding the tricycle but didn't understand the pedal concept.
Here he goes! 

Lydia shows him how it is done!

Here Alexis shows off her block house creation.
I do believe Awstin is getting more assertive. He is definitely giving Alexis the stare down and saying "mine" even though it isn't very clear.  
When I took the girls home, Mark said to me sadly "I didn't pack my clothes." Bless his heart. Soon I will have to have him over for the night.
I love that the grandchildren like to come to my house.  I try to make them feel special and you know what? They make me feel special too!

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