Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Look Who is Two Years Old!

Today is Mark's second birthday! What a delight this little fellow is! His big brown eyes are so expressive and he is such a happy guy who loves to talk (mostly one word at a time although he is putting two and three words together more frequently) and play with toys--mostly construction or farm equipment. For his birthday he received a toy skid loader (which he excitedly kept repeating "doe-doe") and a combine. He was so happy and overcome with joy that he couldn't decide which to play with. He kept going from one to the other and then eventually settled on the combine for a little while. The combine is pretty important since his daddy has one and of course it is the time of year when they are being used in fields. He kept asking for the heads to be switched so he could go from corn to wheat! It was so cute! His sisters admired his new toys and wanted to play with them too, but whenever they touched one Mark hollered, "share! share!" 

The cake made by Kristen was awesome and perfect for the little farmer boy. I love the video where Lydia can be heard in the background saying that she wants to blow out candles too and Kristen tells her that she will light some for her after Mark blows his out. 

We love being invited to our grandkids birthday parties. They are special and momentous occasions for the children and we are glad to share it with them. As I have said many times before--thank you Lord for grandchildren!

Opening the skid loader

It was hard to get a picture because he was moving so fast but you can see the delight on his face. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of him with the combine.

Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Official!

Today Jeremy asked Megan to marry him and guess what? She said "yes!". We are so happy for the excited couple! Jeremy had asked Steve's permission back in September, so we had been anticipating it for a little while. He told us last week that today would be the day. He picked Megan up and took her to their favorite spot at a cove along the Chesapeake Bay. She was so surprised when he showed up to whisk her away. Obviously, she was pretty sure what was coming, but she said you can never be 100% certain. She kept trying to see if there was a bulge in his pocket. He said he saw her eyes looking and he tried not to put his hand in his pocket to give away a hint that it held something special!
They are basking in the congratulations and well wishes  of friends and family. In the next few days and weeks, a lot of decisions and plans will need to be made about the wedding and everything that goes along with it, but for right now they are enjoying this moment and so am I. Congratulations to both of you!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


As I am sure I have mentioned on this blog before, Wednesday is my day to keep Awstin. Last fall, I was able to rearrange my schedule and only work four days a week so I could be available to watch him on one day. I have really enjoyed this and of course I often pull out my phone or camera and snap some pictures to record a memory. I will often post a picture of Awstin or anything else that happens on a Wednesday on my Instagram account and then I will hashtag it with #ilovewednesdays.
Today I had the pleasure of keeping more grandkids. We are beginning to combine our corn and Jay came down for part of the day and brought the girls with him. We had a great time. Here are a few pictures.

Trying to take a selfie. These girls are so silly :)

Two girls in a hammock. Perfect.
Sweet Lydia
 I love these children (too bad Mark wasn't here)!

 Sampling one of Megan's cupcakes...mmm good!

#ilovewednesdays #triplethefuntoday #allmygrandkidsbutmark