Monday, May 30, 2016

The Real Purpose of Sliding Boards

On one of the cloudy cool Wednesdays in May, Awstin and I went to Muddy Run Park so he could enjoy the playground. We took his tricycle along because there is also a nice macadam area where I thought he might like to ride. We were the only ones there so he had the whole place to himself. After riding his tricycle a little and climbing on the playground equipment he went back over to the macadam and retrieved his tricycle. He began pushing it through the grass over to the playground. I asked him what he was doing but he ignored me and kept intently at his task. He succeeded in getting it through the grass and to the play area. He proceeded to push it over to the steps of the playground equipment. As I watched fascinated he grunted and heaved and somehow managed to get the tricycle up all the steps until he was perched with it at the top of the slide. At first I was afraid he was going to ride the tricycle down the slide and I was prepared to jump quickly to stop him, but as I watched, he carefully let go of the tricycle and laughed with glee as it whizzed down the slide and went crashing to the dirt at the bottom. He enjoyed it so much that he did it again and I took a video of him this time. By the time I got the video going he had already hauled the tricycle up one step to the first landing and was starting on the next two steps. Enjoy. Make sure to listen for his laugh at the end of the video. (Unfortunately you will hear mine as well.)

The inventive mind of a young child never ceases to amaze me. What in the world ever made him think of doing this? I know that is not what slides are intended for and obviously if other children had been there there, he could not have done this, but in this circumstance all I could do is laugh along with him.

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