Monday, March 28, 2016

Resurrection Sunday

This year I often heard Easter referred to as Resurrection Sunday. I kind of like that. It sounds more dramatic than Easter Sunday. When I think of the agony and suffering that Jesus went through as he died on the cross for my sins, I like to imagine that on Sunday he burst out of the grave just like the song describes: 

Up from the grave he arose; 
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes; 
he arose a victor from the dark domain, 
and he lives forever, with his saints to reign. 
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! 

I believe that sounds like a mighty resurrection and one that deserves to be celebrated. Thank you Jesus for your gift to me. May I always remember, not only on Resurrection Sunday, but every day of the year.

Yesterday our family came for supper and the evening. After the meal I had an egg hunt for the children. This year I did it a little differently. I assigned each child a color and they could only pick up eggs of that color. This worked really well, as the eggs could be hidden with varying degrees of difficulty depending on the age of the child. (For example, Hannah's were all placed in the same general area.) I had one color (orange) left over and decided to let the adults find those eggs and that was so much fun I think I will have to make it a family tradition. Josh and Julissa volunteered to hide all the eggs and Josh got great delight in hiding the orange ones in very difficult places. I was surprised at how my adult children and their spouses enjoyed searching for those eggs. There was quite a friendly rivalry going on complete with a race between Jay and Jeremy to get to one first that they both spotted. 

Josh throwing an orange egg high up into the tree.

Julissa hiding an egg in an easier spot.

Shawn, Jeremy and Megan trying to locate the orange egg.

Jay and Jeremy race to get to an egg first while Steve watches.

Hannah picks up one of her yellow eggs.

Mark admires one of Lydia's purple eggs.

Alexis and Mark checking out the candy.

Awstin shows Hannah what is in his basket.

A blessed, fun-filled day. So thankful to know the true reason we celebrate Resurrection Sunday and so thankful for times spent with family.

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