Monday, January 25, 2016

Jonas and Donuts

Steve works at plowing our driveway
Since when do snowstorms get named? Of course hurricanes always have names but I don't recall the same being said of snowstorms. Nevertheless, about a week ago we started hearing of a possible blizzard that might arrive in our area during this past weekend. Soon I started reading and hearing about "Jonas." Then I realized that Jonas was the name of the impending snowstorm. Like many people, I was skeptical that we would receive any substantial amount of snow. However, as the time got closer and the weathermen were not backing off on their predictions and even increasing their snowfall amounts, I realized that we probably were going to get a lot of snow. As I wrote in a previous blog, when snow is in the forecast, my children and Steve start asking, "are you making donuts?" The snow was to begin on Friday evening and that morning I stopped at the store on my way to work and got all the necessary ingredients. Usually, I mix the dough up myself in an evening and only get help the following day to roll, cut, fry and ice the doughnuts. But Julissa wanted to see the entire process (she had never made them before) and Megan also was interested in helping with the beginning of it (that's what happens when you get married, I guess), so I invited them and Shawns' for lunch on Saturday and then we mixed and kneaded the dough that afternoon.

By Saturday noon, the snow inches were piling up and the children had to use some ingenuity to get to our place. Here are the modes of transportation they used.
Josh & Julissa arrived by tractor. When it snows their lane always gets huge snowdrifts and is pretty much impossible to navigate with normal vehicles.

Shawn & Awstin arrive.

Melissa arrives.

Megan was able to walk. Steve plowed their driveway and ours to make it easier for her. Unfortunately Jeremy had to work all weekend so wasn't home at all.

It was nice to have the family together on a cold, snowy day but we missed Jay's family and Jeremy. I realize we are fortunate to have some of our children living close to us. Most families would not have had the option of getting together on a day when travel was treacherous.

After lunch we mixed up two batches of dough. I neglected to get any pictures but here are the two containers of dough that I took out of the refrigerator the next morning.
The dough

Josh and Julissa and Megan came early on Sunday morning to roll and cut the dough while Steve worked outside with the loader, opening driveways. We then had to let the doughnuts rise again so everyone went home for several hours and came back around lunch time. This time Shawn and Awstin joined us (Melissa had to go to work). Megan had to milk in the afternoon as well, so after lunch, Steve, Shawn, Josh, Julissa and I finished the donuts.

Rolling and cutting the dough

More cutting.

We put the donuts in the basement and blasted the heat to encourage them to rise.

Steve was in charge of the frying.

Teamwork makes everything go more smoothly

The donuts drip drying.
The end result was about 150 delicious donuts and many donut holes! We divided them up between the four families and everyone went home happy.
Yes, they were as yummy as they look!

The donut holes were really good with a powdered sugar and cinnamon glaze.

Here are a few more snow pictures.
Josh and Julissa powering out their driveway.

Interesting view out our office window.

Awstin was so cute all bundled up in his snowmobile outfit.

Melissa got her snowmobile stuck.

Shawn comes to her aid.

Out it comes!

Even though it was a huge snowstorm, (we got around 28 inches) it did not fall into the category of a blizzard because there were not enough high winds with it. Basically everything was shut down on Saturday but by Sunday the sun came out and people were able to dig themselves out. Thankfully there was no loss of electricity so that definitely made it a lot less stressful. Schools are still closed while back roads continue to be cleared but all in all I will take a "blizzard" like that any day of the year.

So long Jonas. Thanks for the donuts!

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