In January, I wrote about the weekend that we kept Jay and Kristen's three children and shared some of the fun things that I enjoy about each child. I thought it was about time, I blogged a little bit about my other grandchild, Shawn and Melissa's son, Awstin.
Awstin is eight months old and absolutely adorable. I love(d) each and every age of my children and grandchildren, but there is something about that time when a baby is between six months and one year that is just plain down cuteness over and over again. I keep Awstin every Wednesday and this has quickly become a day that I look forward to. Melissa usually brings him into the house and sets him on the kitchen table in his car seat while she goes back to her vehicle for the diaper bag. He peers over the edge of his seat and gives me a big grin that just melts my heart. He kicks his legs and waves his arms excitedly as he waits for me to lift him out. I oblige and our day has begun.
Awstin is not crawling yet but he loves the walker and his little feet take him all over my kitchen when I put him in it. He has mastered going around the kitchen table and can expertly maneuver the walker to the open dishwasher where I purposely put toys or spatulas and other kitchen items for him to pick up and wave around importantly. He loves to sit in the basement and play with toys that I set there for him and the noisier the better. I have several that play tunes and make ridiculous sounds and if they are all blaring at the same time, he couldn't be happier. When he is delighted he gives this silly, little chuckle. I am going to have to try to record it sometime because it really needs to be saved to show to him some day. It will be interesting to see if he still laughs like that as he gets older.
Probably the best way to describe Awstin is happy and contented. He is a joy to have around and I love listening to him jabber and squeal and to see his enthusiasm for life. It seems each week he masters something new and I am only too aware that he will soon be crawling, walking, talking and before you know it all grown up. But for now, I am just enjoying this little boy (and all of my grandchildren) and am so grateful for the privilege I have of being a grandparent. Here are some recent pictures that I took of Awstin.
Busy, little guy--spatula in one hand, other hand opening door, toy in mouth.
He is ecstatic if he gets a hold of the TV remote or a cell phone.
In the tractor buddy seat with Grandpa, helping to turn the compost.
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