Friday, February 6, 2015

Strike One

The other week, my sister accompanied me on my search for a dress to wear to the upcoming wedding. I definitely did not approach this with a lot of enthusiasm, but Lois seemed certain that this would be an easy and fun task, so I hoped for the best.

We decided on Park City and began at Penney's. We found the dress section and she and I began to look over the selection. I never wear anything that has large designs (such as big flowers) and I am not a fan of the current style of lines. Well, pretty much everything had some kind of large design on it or was covered with zig-zagging lines. What happened to just a one-colored plain dress? After trying on a few just to see what they look like, I remembered why I so seldom wear a dress. I do not look good in dresses! My figure definitely doesn't wear one well. Lois, however, was non-deterred and assured me that we would find the perfect dress. We just had to keep looking.

We proceeded to Kohl's where we found out that they don't even carry dresses. We then walked through the rest of Park City, stopping to check out smaller shops along with the bigger stores like Boscov's and the Bon-Ton. Honestly, there was not that much selection. I tried on a few outfits but in the end we decided our best choices had actually been at Penney's. We went back to Penney's and tried to be a little more creative by putting together a jacket and a skirt. It was somewhat more promising but still neither of us were satisfied.

By this time I was tired (have I mentioned that I don't shop well?), and I'm sure Lois was tired of me complaining.  She suggested that we call it a day and try again in a few weeks. This time we will head out to Rockvale and some of the surrounding stores and see if we have any better luck. Hopefully by that time, the spring and summer clothes will be on the racks and there will be a few more dresses to choose from.

I can hardly wait.

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