Sunday, December 21, 2014

Welcome Hannah Joy!

Hannah Joy Lehman was born this morning at 6:00!  Jay called at 2:12 am and asked if I could leave asap to come and stay with the children as Kristen was pretty sure she was in active labor. Knowing that Kristen had very short labors I quickly threw clothes in a bag and headed out the door. On the 45 minute drive I heard over and over on the radio about a baby being born this wonderful night! How fitting! When I arrived Jay and Kristen already had their coats on. After a quick goodbye, they left for the hospital and I laid down and hoped that sleep would come. Surprisingly it did and the next thing I knew it was 7:00. I texted Jay to see if there was news and also to see if they had any coffee in the house. He texted back where I could find coffee and to have the girls call when they got up. Lydia soon came downstairs and after initial surprise at seeing me smiled in delight. I punched in Jay's number on my phone and handed it to her. She was delighted to hear her daddy's voice and when he asked her if she wanted a brother or sister, she said "sister." Jay said, "well that's great, because that is what you got!" She beamed and handed the phone back to me. Jay told me that Hannah had been born about an hour ago and that mother and daughter were doing great. After congratulations and filling me in on some other details we hung up and waited for Alexis and Mark to wake up.  I soon heard Mark's booming voice and as Lydia and I started up the steps, we saw him and Alexis standing at the top. As soon as Alexis saw me, she knew what was going on. I tried to keep Lydia from telling her so she could hear it straight from Jay, but as we were calling him Lydia informed her that it was a sister. Jay was still able to tell Alexis the name and she was so excited that the baby was finally here. Her only concern was whether she would be able to go to her church and participate in the morning service where she was supposed to be an angel. Jay and I assured her that she still could. Jay actually came to the church as well and I met him there with the children. The people in his congregation were so excited for him and we enjoyed the service and Alexis was a beautiful angel.
Afterward Jay went back to the hospital and I met Steve at McDonalds where we gave the children lunch and let them enjoy the playland for a while. On our way home we stopped at the hospital for their first visit with their little sister.

Here is their first look. I just love their expressions.

Awwww! So precious

She is absolutely adorable! I love that her name is spelled the same backwards and frontwards and that the numbers of her birthday are the same way too--12/21. I would say that is pretty special! Welcome to the family Hannah! We are so glad to have you join us!

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