Saturday, December 13, 2014

Longwood Gardens

Yesterday my friend Deb and I went to Longwood Gardens. Deb is the manager of New Hope's thrift store and so normally our interaction comes through working together. However, she has a season pass to Longwood Gardens and invited me to go with her. Her pass allows her to take one other person and I was delighted to accompany her. It was good for us to be together outside of work and we had a fun time. We walked through the building and then strolled outside as the lights came on. It was absolutely beautiful and was just a great way to unwind and take a little break from the busyness of the season. Even though I am no gardener, I love to see the creations that other people make and I am in awe of the beauty that surrounds us through nature. The flower displays were gorgeous and the lights outside lit up the evening. Here are a few pictures:

This was a hallway that had individual private bathrooms tucked among the greenery on both sides of it. I had never seen it before when I had been to Longwood Gardens. It's hard to show on a picture, but it was pretty unique.

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