Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Update on Empty Nest Goals

Well, it is already the end of October and six weeks since I set some empty nest goals. Here is my progress so far:
  1. Read through the Bible. This is going pretty well. I loved reading through Genesis and Exodus but Leviticus and Numbers have been a little tedious at times. Just reading all the laws in Leviticus made me weary and extremely thankful that I don't have to remember all those rules. All the do's and don'ts seemed a little overbearing and I am grateful that Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice to I don't need to make sure I am offering the right sacrifice for every wrong I commit. Numbers is a lot of numbers but also has some interesting stories that I am enjoying reading again. It is nice to be doing it with Megan and we like to check up on each other and compare and swap insights and thoughts and musings with each other.
  2. Finish Megan's scrapbook. Hallelujah!!! I am done. This actually went a lot better than I anticipated and it feels really good to have it completed.
  3. Clean my upstairs. Unfortunately this part of my goal still waits. I tried one morning to start going through things and got overwhelmed. I tried to persuade Megan to help me one weekend when she was home but she declined so I am still waiting for inspiration. I really want to make headway on this before we go on vacation in December. Hopefully, soon I will have the energy and right frame of mind to tackle it.
  4. Lose some weight. Well I am happy to say that I have lost 13 pounds! You really can't tell it when you look at me, which just goes to show how heavy I really am. But, I am plugging away and it actually isn't going too badly. I like having my meals already preplanned and it seems to make it easier for me to stay on track. Steve is finding it harder and I know he cheats more than I do, but he is trying really hard and has lost some as well (he won't tell me how much). He seems pretty motivated so that is good. Hopefully, we can both keep continuing on.
I don't think that is too bad of a progress report. We will see what the next two months brings and I will give an update at the end of the year. Hopefully, my upstairs will be organized, my Bible reading will be going well, and I (and Steve) will have lost more weight. I believe it does help to put this in writing on my blog because it keeps me accountable.

I kind of like being empty-nesters. But, I absolutely LOVE when Megan comes home and we get to talk in person instead of through texting and phone conversations and it is always so nice to have her around. However, it seems like when she is home, there is a certain other person in her life that she likes to spend a lot of time with now and suddenly spending a Friday or Saturday evening at home with Mom and Dad isn't as appealing J


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