Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mark Day

Our selfie attempt
Finally, the day arrived for Mark to have his special day at Grandpa and Grandma's. Mark's birthday was actually the end of October and we had planned to have him over then but he got sick so we had to postpone it. He had been patiently (well maybe not so patiently) waiting for this all year so it was a happy and excited boy that I picked up on Friday morning.

We couldn't have asked for a nicer day. The weather was perfect and in the afternoon we spent quite a bit of time in the park. We took Thomas along and Mark had a great time trying to get Thomas to plow through the leaves that he put on his track. Here's one of his first attempts.

Here is a more successful attempt

Before bed, I was searching for a snack for him. Unfortunately, I didn't have what he really wanted which was iced animal crackers. For each thing that I offered him he said no. I opened up the refrigerator and as a joke said, "well, I guess you can have cottage cheese." To my amazement he said "yes, I want that!" I couldn't believe it. He sat down and happily ate a bowlful of it. I guarantee you, his father would have never done that! Kristen later told me that all of her children like it.
Yum! Yum!
The next morning we headed for the Choo-Choo Barn. Steve was able to go along with us so that was really nice. Mark loved it. There was so much to see and his eyes were taking it all in. He would constantly point to something and say "look at that!"

The view was so much better on Grandpa's shoulders!

Posing for me.

Of course he had to take a ride on Thomas

After the Choo-Choo Barn we went to CiCi's where we enjoyed a wonderful pizza lunch.

His special request was ham and pineapple

I told them to smile for the camera. Silly boys!

After lunch we met Kristen in the parking lot and so ended our time with Mark. We sure had  fun with him and I'm pretty sure he had fun too. He is a delightful little guy and it was nice to be able to spend one-on-one time with him.

Here are a few pictures from his birthday party which we celebrated earlier in October.
A Thomas cake! Another wonderful creation by Kristen.

Eating the smokestack (marshmallow)

Happy birthday song and blowing out the candles

I know I say it all the time, but I sure am thankful for grandchildren!

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