Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

I always feel like Easter is the official start of Spring. I know that this is not really true as Easter Sunday can be as early as the end of March or close to the end of April. I think it is because of all the flowers that show up to celebrate this joyous occasion and flowers naturally make one think of Spring and Summer. This beautiful arrangement cheered up the front of our church yesterday and I just had to snap a picture of them.
I couldn't drag myself out of bed to attend the early sunrise service but I enjoyed the morning worship time where we shared communion together and celebrated our risen Lord.
We had the family for supper and the evening. As always it was a lively and fun time. The children brought their Easter baskets along and after the meal excitedly participated in the egg hunt I had for them in the back yard. Their baskets quickly filled with the colorful eggs and even before all the eggs were found, the older ones were opening them up to see what goodies were inside them. The weather was cool, but not cold, and the fresh air felt good. After the egg hunt was over, we stayed outside for awhile and watched the children run and play. What a wonderful feeling to be outdoors and not be so consumed with the cold that you can't wait to go in. It truly does seem like Spring is here. Hallelujah!

 Some of the children from our congregation doing motions to one of the songs we sang during the morning worship.

How can you not love his basket?

Mark :)
 Lydia loved the little lighted chick she found in one of her eggs.
 Alexis proudly shows me her treasures.
Checking out the goodies!
This little girl was content to just be held but I have the feeling she will be running with the rest of them next year!

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