Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Glorious Fall

I've been neglecting this blog a little bit.  It's not that we haven't been doing anything in this month of September. On the contrary, we have actually been pretty busy so here is a little bit of a catch up from the past couple weeks. Some of the things we did included a wonderful weekend with our church family at a retreat center in Denver and playing the Friendship Community Benefit Golf Tournament with Gene and Rhoda. As far as the golfing, we came in dead last which was a little humiliating, but we had fun and hopefully we can do better next year! I also enjoyed the Solanco Parade with all my grandchildren and am looking forward to this week's Lampeter Fair. There is going to be a special little someone in the baby parade so look for pictures on a later blog!

Yesterday was the first day of fall and how I love this season of the year! I just read a quote on a Facebook wall this morning that is so true: Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn ~ E. Lawrence. There is just something about a crisp, autumn morning that is unlike anything else.
On Sunday, Steve and I had a great time with Jay and Kristen's children. We spent a few hours with them at Muddy Run Park and it brought back such good memories of when we took our children there when they were little. Alexis looked a little doubtful when I told her that her daddy came to this same place when he was her age! As we left at sunset we were treated to the sight of many deer. They were so close to the car, that all the children could plainly see them and they watched them wide-eyed. I couldn't get any pictures of them, because it was too dark but it is certainly a treasured memory. Here are a few pictures of the day:

As we headed for the park our precious cargo in the backseat got a little goofy :)

A real "picnic" lunch - Burger King Delight
I love that I got all three children on the same picture each doing a different thing on the playground.
Super Mark!

Lydia has no fear of heights!
So happy!

 Big smile!

Alexis and Lydia and I walked to a larger playground, while Steve and Mark stayed at the smaller one. There was a sand pit and the girls loved it. As you can see, they were soon covered in it.  
They also liked the big slide. Most playgrounds don't have these old big slides anymore. 

Mark was happy to see us when we returned. It was almost dark and we soon left and enjoyed watching the deer as we drove past them.

Here is a picture of Awstin that I took last Wednesday. We were in the playhouse and he kept peeking out over the half door. It was so cute and I can't believe that I was able to get this sequence of pictures. Every once in a while, you just get lucky!

One other picture that I took this month was of Megan and Jeremy at our church retreat. They never like their picture taken, but amazingly cooperated for this one. Young love :)

I think that is it for now. Bring on this wonderful, magical time of the year. Glorious Fall!

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