Thursday, November 27, 2014

A White Thanksgiving

Generally people dream of a white Christmas but this year we are having a white Thanksgiving. It snowed for most of the day yesterday and even though it will leave fairly quickly, snow loving people are delighted with this early present.

I am not one of those people that likes to be out in the snow but I do enjoy the beauty of it, especially from indoors! This morning, the sun came out and glistened on the snow and everything was sparkling and beautiful. I tried to capture a couple of pictures, but they don't do it justice.

It is a good day to be thankful. At 4:00 the house will fill as the children and grandchildren come to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. We will enjoy food, laughter and fellowship and a football game. We will play with the children and talk with the adults and browse through the stacks of paper telling us what is on sale on Black Friday. At the end of the day, we will go home satisfied and happy. This is how Thanksgiving Day should be.

There is so much unrest in the world now. I wish everyone could somehow have a calm and peaceful Thanksgiving with people they love. I wish everyone could feel loved and they could be thankful for life and for God who created this amazing world. However, I know this will not happen. There are people who will go hungry today.  There are people who will feel so alone that they consider suicide. There are people who will hate so badly that they will hurt something or somebody. The list could go on. My prayer today is that someone who is lonely will receive an unexpected visit, that someone who didn't know what they were going to eat, will be given food, and that someone who woke up filled with hatred, will feel love today. I also pray that God will show me if I can be the catalyst to make one of these prayers reality.


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