Here it is...New Year's Eve. In a couple of hours 2021 will be history and if I don't get this Blog posted today it will appear in 2022 which is not where I want it.
It's been a long time since I've looked back over a year and felt as if I can say it's been a good one, but finally I can. We've settled in nicely in our little apartment and we both love it. It is cozy and just the right size for the two of us. Yes, when the family all comes we could use more space but we make it work and no one complains.
The highlight of the year was adding two more grandchildren to our family--Jake in January and Cassidy in October.
Steve closed out the DAF hauling the end of May and was uncertain what he would do for a job. After checking into several options that didn't work out, he settled on transporting Amish. He works mainly for two brothers who have a business together but also does transporting for some others as well. Since he has a truck and trailer, the local Amish are quick to ask him when they have some transporting that requires a trailer. He is amazed at how much he enjoys this job. He has made many new friends and I am so happy to see him satisfied with his life.
We also changed churches which was a hard decision but one we felt was right. Leaving a church where you have gone all your life (me) and for the last 40 years (Steve) is not easy and we do sometimes miss the "family" that we enjoyed there. However, we love our new congregation. We have made new friends and we look forward to each Sunday when we can go and hear a challenging Biblical message and fellowship with other believers.
We are thankful that Steve survived COVID. He was very sick with it the first couple weeks of November and there were a few days and nights when I was very concerned. After receiving a monoclonal antibody infusion, his fever subsided, and he gradually got his strength back. He still gets tired sometimes and his appetite isn't what it used to be. (Maybe that's a good thing--he lost 20 pounds!)
I am managing the store and that takes a LOT of my time. I have found satisfaction in knowing that I can handle it and do a fairly good job of it, but I must admit that it does make me tired. It is rewarding that the store is doing well. Time will tell how long we continue to keep it, but for this season it seems we are in the right place.
Even though I am busy, I always find time for grandchildren. Every Wednesday I keep Bryce while Melissa works, Megan and Jake stop in often, and now Julissa and Cassidy often pop in as well. We loved having each of the six older grandchildren overnight for a time of one on one with them this summer. I'm glad to soak in these times with the grandchildren, because I know how quickly time moves on.
Well, that's a short recap of our year. Here are some pictures from our time together at Christmas.
Annual gingerbread (graham cracker) house making with the grands. |
Working diligently |
Total concentration |
Mark |
Lydia |
Clara |
Alexis |
Close up of Alexis' house |
Hannah |
Awstin |
We did a road trip in the barrel train to visit Jake & Cassidy. We were going to stop for Bryce and take him along but he was napping. Here are some videos and pictures from the trip to Jake's. I didn't take anymore after we left his house.
Pulling in to Megan and Jeremy's house. Jake was waiting for us. Yes, that is me waving in the last barrel.
Jake doesn't know what to think |
Surrounded by cousins |
All our grandchildren. Poor Jake. He was so good all evening until picture taking :) |
All 20 of us |
Here's a few pics of the 4 younger grandchildren that weren't taken at Christmas but were too cute not to add.
Grandpa & Bryce entertaining Cassidy |
I snapped this picture of Janae at the Turkey Hill Experience today |
Jake just loves this ball! |
What a smile!!! |
And that's a wrap. Welcome 2022!
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