Friday, February 21, 2020

Weekend with Hannah & Clara

Jay & Kristen went on their annual February weekend getaway with friends and we enjoyed the company of Hannah & Clara while they were away. Alexis & Lydia spent the weekend with Josh & Julissa and Mark stayed with Shawn & Melissa & Awstin & Bryce. Unfortunately Jay's family had been battling the flu for about a week beforehand and Hannah & Alexis were still suffering the affects of it.

We got the girls on Friday evening and had a little party for our supper. Steve still had a few balloons left from his birthday party so we blew them up and we made fun little microwave cakes. Hannah really wasn't feeling very well but she seemed to appreciate the "party".

On Saturday, Hannah seemed a little better but she still wasn't very perky. She spend most of the day laying on the couch and watched a lot of TV while I encouraged her to drink liquids.

Of course Clara needed to drink liquids too :)

Hannah & I put a puzzle together and she tried to smile, but you can see she isn't feeling very well.

Clara was all sunshine and happiness. She had a great time playing by herself but would often check on Hannah to see how she was doing.
Finally, on Sunday morning, Hannah seemed much better and we packed the girls up around 11:00 and took them to McDonalds and they spend about an hour in the playland. It was great to see Hannah smiling and laughing and having a good time. We came back home and the girls had a great time playing with Grandpa.

I just love the excitement on Clara's face in this picture. She is telling Hannah that she is going to poke Grandpa.

I know this video is long, but I didn't know how to edit it.

Whoops, looks like Grandpa got the short end of the stick!

All in all, it was a good weekend. I'm sure it would have been a lot more fun for Hannah if she had been feeling better, but I still think she enjoyed herself. We were glad to be able to keep them so Jay & Kristen could get away for a short time.

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