Thursday, June 12, 2014


So, another phenomenon of this generation is hashtags. A hashtag is  "a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic." No spaces are used between letters or words no matter how long the sentence is. Two of the popular social media sites where people use hashtags are Twitter and Instagram. Someone may post a picture on Instagram from a European trip they are on and then they may hashtag it with #eurotrip. They will use that same hashtag for all the pictures they post on Instagram from that trip and by clicking on #eurotrip, anyone can see all the pictures that were posted. The catch is that other people may also use that same hashtag for their European trip and then all their pictures would show up as well. The trick is to try to get a unique hashtag that no one else has used if you really want only your pictures to show under it. So, instead of #eurotrip, I may hashtag it as #maryandsteveseurotrip. The chances that anyone else would be using that hashtag are slim.

However, there are some popular hashtags that people use and post on social media all the time.  One of the crazes right now is to use a hashtag for a theme that goes with each day of the week. Here are the current rages:

Monday - #MCM "Man Crush Monday" If you have a man in your life that you have a crush on you post his picture with the hashtag #MCM

Tuesday - #TT "Transformation Tuesday" People will post pictures of themselves before and after they lost weight, got a new hair style, had kids, ect.  Some people may even post pictures of their cars, houses, or lawns after a huge transformation.

Wednesday - #WCW "Woman Crush Wednesday" This is the same as Man Crush Monday although obviously this time it is for a woman that you have a crush on.

Thursday - #TBT "Throwback Thursday" Supposedly this is the hashtag that started it all.  People use this day to bring out old high school pictures or baby photos of themselves to  get that “aweeeeee you were so cute!!” comment.

Friday - #FBF "Flashback Friday" I'm not sure how this one is that much different than #TBT. People use it to post old pictures and reminisce on the good ole' times of the past.

Saturday - In my google research I couldn't find that there is a Saturday hashtag. I guess no one could come up with a good one.

Sunday - #SS "Selfie Sunday" On this day you take a selfie (if you don't know what that is, check out this post) and display it on social media for everyone to see.

Well, I don't have a huge desire to use these week day hashtags but I suppose if I had to pick one I would use the #FBF along with this picture.
I could add some other hashtags to it such as #theyear2000 #motheranddaughtermatchingdresses #everyonelookssoyoung

Things tend to be popular for only a short period of time. I would imagine that in 10 years, these hashtags will be a thing of the past. For now, I kind of enjoy them, probably because I like words and so I find it challenging and fun to come up with creative hashtags.


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