Monday, April 21, 2014


Easter!!! What a wonderful day as we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior! Our church service yesterday was so beautiful and we had a joyful time of praising and singing to our risen Lord. Elva Hurst was our guest speaker and she shared her testimony and created a chalk drawing of the death and resurrection of Christ. I have always loved chalk drawings and there's not too many people who still do them so it was a treat to watch her.

Here are two videos of our singing. The first one is 10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman and Megan is playing the piano. I think this is her favorite song to play and one of my favorite to listen to her play. The girl helping Rhoda with the motions is one of our community children who attends church and she loves being up front and being involved with singing.

Jesus Lives!!

We had our children and Steve's parents for supper. Unfortunately, Mark was running a fever so Kristen stayed home with him. We missed them but that is just the way it goes sometimes. We were glad that Jay and the girls were able to join us. Alexis and Lydia enjoyed the egg hunt that I made for them in the back yard. Here are a few pictures. (Well maybe a lot.)

 Love This!

Alexis picks one up

Chip is always in the background somewhere :)

Lydia spies one!

Another one picked up by Alexis

Great-Grandma helps the girls search

Still searching

Even the men got into the hunt.

I didn't get any pictures of the grandsons this time. As I said, Mark wasn't there and Awstin didn't arrive until after the egg hunt and I didn't get my camera out again. We all enjoyed just sitting around and chatting after the meal and watching the children play. I am so thankful for my family and I cherish the times like yesterday when we can spend a relaxed evening together.

He is Risen Indeed!!!!

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