I remember the day you were born. Grandpa and I were so excited when your daddy called to tell us that you had arrived. We hurried into the hospital to meet you. Thanks to you, we had now entered into the fun stage of life called grand parenting that everyone had told us was so great. They were right! Grand parenting is one of the most special stages of life.
I remember you as a contented baby, and fairly active at a young age. I don't think you were much more than seven months old when you learned to zip around in the walker all over the house. I was amazed that someone so tiny could navigate her way so easily from the kitchen to the living room by whirling around in that vehicle that gave you the freedom to go where you wanted to. From an early age you loved books and you still do to this day. I love to sit with you and read a book together.
And those big brown eyes! How I love them. When you were small, you would just stare at people for awhile before you warmed up to them. I remember one family reunion at Great Grandpa and Grandma Lehman's when you were probably around a year old. There was a lot of people there and a lot of commotion. Your daddy carried you in and you just STARED at everyone. If someone tried to talk to you, you just stared at them and didn't crack a smile. I think this went on for at least fifteen minutes before you relaxed and left me take you to the toy box. It was SO cute!
You were soon walking and talking. Quickly you learned how to push a chair to wherever you wanted to go so you could use it as a stepstool to get up onto the table or counter. The kitchen sink was one of your favorite places. You loved to help wash dishes and you would play in the water for a long time. From a very early age you loved to be a helper. Your mommy is so wonderful at encouraging you to help in any way that you can. She patiently lets you participate in whatever she is doing--washing, cooking, baking, gardening, or whatever. Several times when I kept you, we would make chocolate chip cookies together and we had a great time and I was always amazed at your knowledge of baking.
I love the way you talk! You are such a conversationalist and your vocabulary is absolutely amazing. From early on, you used big words and you used them accurately. I wish I would have written down some of our telephone conversations because they were so funny and entertaining. You would go on and on about what you were doing and what everyone else was doing and you would just go from one topic to another without hardly even taking a breath. You used big words like "considering," and "absolutely," with ease. One of your favorite phrases is "Well, I was thinking...."
I love the way you laugh! When you get silly you just laugh and laugh and laugh. It is a deep laugh that comes from way down inside you and comes spilling out your lungs and I laugh just watching and hearing you laugh!
I love the way you sing! You have such a beautiful voice and I enjoy listening to it. One of your favorite activities at my house is watching the Silly Songs DVD. You learned the songs quickly and you like to sing them over and over again. I hope you continue to sing and enjoy music all of your life.
I love your imagination! When we play together I am astounded at the way you can pretend and make-believe. We play store and house and you continually come up with things and ideas that are wonderfully imaginative. What a gift! I think a child with a big imagination is a child who learns to be creative and who knows where your creativity will take you in your life!
You also know how to express your feelings and put them into words. One of my favorite conversations was one you had with Grandpa when you were still really young--maybe around 2 years old. At times you were a little afraid of Grandpa and you felt safer with me. This changed as you got older and now you happily love to go along with him in the truck and tractor but when you were smaller, you just weren't quite sure about it. Once you and Grandpa were talking on the phone and Grandpa asked you if it would be alright if he and Grandma came to visit you that evening. You thought for a little and then you said, "Grandma come. You stay home!" Grandpa got such a good laugh out of it and when he shared it with me, we laughed about it together for a long time.
You are such a loving and accepting little girl. When Lydia and Mark joined your family, you were so happy to welcome them. You are a great big sister and when I keep all three of you, I depend on you to answer my questions about what your siblings like and need. As the oldest, it will always fall on you to be an example for your siblings and I know that you will handle that responsibility well. I remember when I kept you over the times when Lydia and Mark were born. You missed your mommy and daddy and especially at night you would say, "I want my mommy and daddy" but you tried so hard to be brave and you would choke back the tears and I would lay with you until you fell asleep. I loved the feel of your little hand in mine as I held it until sleep gently overtook you.
I have to mention your beautiful hair. It is so long and absolutely gorgeous and hangs so smoothly down to the middle of your back. I love the way your ponytail bounces when you jump up and down and I love the way you look like a sophisticated little lady when it is pinned in a neat bun on the top of your head.
Grandparents like to know that they are loved and appreciated by their grandchildren. That is why I will always treasure your words from one time when Grandpa and I were visiting with you and your family. Grandpa and Daddy were talking outside on the porch and the rest of us had gone into the house. I told you that Grandpa and I needed to get ready to go home. You ran to the sofa and laid on it and tears ran down your cheeks. When your mommy asked you what was wrong you said, "I'm sad that Grandma has to go home." Ahhhh, those words just melted my heart.
I love you Alexis Grace Lehman and am so blessed to be your grandma.
Here is a video of you and Lydia helping me water the flowers.
Here is a video of you blowing out the candles on your cake. You can hear Lydia crying in the background and then you explain that she thought it was her birthday and that is why she is crying.
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