All smiles! |
This week was Awstin's turn to spend the night. Unlike the other grandchildren, Awstin's overnight was from Tuesday to Wednesday instead of Friday to Saturday. This was because I wanted to take him to the Choo Choo Barn and I was pretty sure it wouldn't be as full on a Wednesday as it would have been on a Saturday. Awstin's and my history of the Choo Choo Barn goes way back. Every since he was a baby, I have kept him every Wednesday. One time when he was around 4, I decided to take him to the Choo Choo Barn just as something a little different to do. I was unprepared for his enthusiasm and fascination for it. To say he loved it is an understatement. I purchased a season pass for him and me and we frequently would spend several hours on a Wednesday enjoying the world of trains. Usually it wasn't very full and we would just let our imaginations go, pretending we were riding the trains, camping in one of the cabins underneath the track, enjoying the circus, etc. After he started school, we of course didn't go as often, but over the summer and during Christmas break I would take him and we would start up just where we left off.
Because of COVID, it had been a long time since we had been there and he was so excited about going again. He came on Tuesday evening and we enjoyed a snack on the deck, and a video of Curious George before turning in for the night.
Laughing at the antics of Curious George |
I had to open the store and work until 9:00 on Wednesday morning and he assured me that he usually sleeps in until 9 anyway, so I probably wouldn't see him until then. Well, he was up at 6:00 am! He joined me in opening the store and helped me until 9:00 when Julissa came to work her shift.
Sitting at the counter at the store getting ready to eat breakfast. |
Steve had quite a few errands to run so he dropped Awstin and me off at the Choo Choo Barn around 10:30 and told us he would return about 12:00 to pick us up. We entered our favorite place and after a few trips around to make sure everything was operating as it should be, settled in for a time of fun and imagination.
It seemed like each time I tried to take a video, the night scene started but on this one you can see just how excited he is to be here.
Steve returned around 12:00 and Awstin declared that it seemed like we had barely been there for a minute. We persuaded him to take a break for lunch and promised we would return for a little bit after we ate. We walked over to Isaac's to get something to eat.
Macaroni & cheese and applesauce (not pictured) He ate everything! |
After lunch we went back for another hour and then called it a day. It was great to spend time again at the Choo Choo Barn with Awstin and it was nice to hear him say on the way home, "that was so much fun!."
See you next time Choo Choo Barn!