Monday, June 21, 2021

Overnight with Mark

Ordering from a menu is not something Marks gets to do very often so it was a treat for him to order a corndog, frenchfries and drink. He ate the whole thing!

This weekend was Mark's turn to stay with us overnight. I met Kristen and the children at Living Light Church for a picnic lunch and then brought Mark home with me.

Getting ready for our picnic lunch

On the way home, we stopped by my sister Lois' house. Her granddaughter Clara was there and showed Mark the goats and llamas.

If you look closely you can see the goat chasing Mark down the barn hill :)

I couldn't get a picture of the llamas but here Clara and Mark are going to look for them. Love how all the goats follow them.

Lois also has some caged birds.

Clara was happy to make the birds excited but listen for my sister's voice at the end of the video.

Playing mini golf.

Mark was pretty good! Here he is sinking a par 3.

There was also other things to do besides golf :)

Mark's choice of breakfast food

Yum! Yum!

Mark started this puzzle on Friday

Still working on it Saturday morning.

Finished! Just in time to go to the Muddy Run Splash Pad with Melissa, Awstin & Bryce.

Just like Hannah, while I worked the store Saturday afternoon, Mark enjoyed time with his cousins and the Splash Pad at Muddy Run. We took him home Saturday evening and enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day meal of shrimp and ribs prepared by Kristen. It was a great time together!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Overnight with Hannah

Last Christmas, I gave each of the grandchildren  (except the youngest 3) a coupon for an overnight stay at Grandpa & Grandma's. They have been excitedly reminding me about it and wondering when they could come. I gave them dates over the next three months of when it would suit and told them they could choose the order that they come. I'm not sure how they decided but Hannah was the first to come last weekend. Here are a few things we did.

One of the benefits of staying with Grandpa and Grandma is that you can just go downstairs and choose what you want to eat. Hannah chose a donut for breakfast. She ate it while we played Chutes and Ladders.

She really liked being able to get her water right from the refrigerator


She pretty much built this herself by following the instructions.

Our neighbors have an alpaca and sheep farm so Hannah and I walked down to visit. Here she is feeding the sheep.

We enjoyed our time together. On Saturday afternoon, she stayed with cousins Awstin and Bryce while I worked the store and Melissa took them to the Muddy Run splash pad. She loved that! 

It is always fun to spend individual time with the grandkids. We are looking forward to hosting Mark next weekend!

May Birthdays

Two granddaughters have birthdays in May. Lydia's is on the 19th and Janae's on the 27th. I know I took a video of both while we sang happy birthday, but they are not showing up on my computer. I'm not sure if it's because I recently got a new phone and the videos didn't transfer properly or what. Anyway, I don't have them so you will just have to get over your disappointment (ha! ha!).

Lydia is 10!

Janae is 1 year old!

Still stuffing her mouth full :)

Cuteness overload!

I had one other picture that I took in May and even though it isn't his birthday month, I thought it was cute enough to share. Bryce likes to go places and a couple of weeks ago I took him along with me to the grocery store. 
He loved the cart and saying "hi" to everyone we met.

Four Generation Picture

April, 2021
Back in April, some of Steve's siblings and his mother met for lunch at a local restaurant. Megan and Jake tagged along so Jake could meet his great-grandmother. I snapped this picture of the four generations. I think these pictures are so wonderful to have. I know right before Marlin died I was able to get a picture of him, Steve, Shawn & Awstin, Jay & Mark. I often look at that picture and am so grateful to have it.

September, 2015
I enjoy looking back at old photos. I can hardly believe how little Mark and Awstin are, but then this picture was taken 5 1/2 years ago.

It is good to remember and treasure the past, but it is important to live in the present, and look forward to the future. God is faithful.