Friday, June 8, 2018


I know we've only been grandparents for 10 years, but we already attended a graduation! The graduation was from preschool and the graduate was Awstin! I remember sitting on those same pews not so long ago (at least it feels that way) at the Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church for the graduation of Megan. Time sure does keep marching on.

Of course it was a cute program. What preschool graduation isn't? Awstin beamed proudly and stood at the front of the church with his classmates as they went through their program. They sang quite a few songs and then they had the graduation ceremony. Awstin was the first one to walk in. Here is a short video clip of him coming down the aisle.

Here is a picture of the entire graduating class.

In September, Awstin and his peers will begin kindergarten at Martic Elementary and I am well aware that all too quickly we will be attending their high school graduation.  But I'm not going to think about that now. There is a lot to live between now and then, and many more memories to be make and milestones to be achieved. Awstin is a child who is full of energy and zest for life. I have no doubt he will be a wonderful asset to every classroom he is in. Congratulations Awstin! I am so happy to be your grandma and to watch you journey through life.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Lydia's Birthday

The obligatory pose for the camera

A few weeks ago we celebrated Lydia Eileen Lehman's 7th birthday. Lydia has always insisted on party hats for her birthday and we would always oblige and wear them while we ate our meal. This year, Lydia opted for one big hat and so she was the only one that got to wear it. As you can imagine, the rest of us (especially the adults) were really disappointed not to have a hat to wear.

It is so amazing to watch your grandchildren grow and mature. Even though Lydia still has boundless energy and continues to love anything outdoors, squishy, or furry, she also enjoys crafts and quieter activities as well. Her smile lights up the room and her big brown eyes sparkle beautifully.

We enjoyed a birthday meal with Lydia and her family and Kristen's parents. We always look forward to these celebrations and are so glad to share these milestones with them.

Happy smiles

Here is the birthday video. Lydia surprised us at the end of it by not blowing out her candles. It was pretty amusing.

And she finally blows them out :)

Love this girl!