Well, we did our best to take the annual family Christmas photo but it didn't turn out so well. Megan had trouble getting the timer set on the camera and the grandkids were out of patience. We quickly asked Steve's mom to take it and she did the best she could, but the kids were jumping around and the ones she took got pretty blurry. We salvaged this one but unfortunately you can hardly see Hannah. She is just peeking out behind Jeremy. Oh well, there is always next year.
Shawn, Melissa and Awstin came decked out in their footie pajamas and were very pleased with themselves for their choice of attire. Awstin's jammies of course had Thomas the Tank Engine on the front.
We had our traditional meal of lasagna, salad, bread sticks and Christmas birthday cake for Jesus. We ate our meal in Megan and Jeremy's basement and then returned to our house for gifts and the rest of the evening. After the meal, besides the family picture, we took a few others.
Five of my favorite little people. Don't you love Lydia and Mark's faces? They were so happy to have their picture taken!
Steve's Mom with all of our children and grandchildren
We were so glad Mom could join us!
Opening gifts is always a lot of fun. This year there were several big boxes with lots of extra paper in them and the grandkids had fun with the paper and the boxes.
Here are a few pictures of the rest of our evening.
Steve made gingerbread houses with the grandkids.
Hannah enjoyed making her house.
Alexis' finished house
Who do you think created this masterpiece?
Yup! It was Melissa. That's an amazing combine!
Shawn reading to Awstin and Lydia
Playing Ticket to Ride.
That's it for Christmas 2016 at the Lehmans. I'll leave you with this duet of "The Twelve Days of Christmas that Julissa and Megan played for our Sunday morning service. Enjoy!
Today Hannah is 2 years old! I decided not to have a one on one day and overnight with her as I did with the other grandchildren although I am sure I would have enjoyed it tremendously. You can't be around her for very long without breaking into a smile. Her sunny disposition and downright cuteness can turn any bad day into a good day. However, I think I will wait until she is a little older so she can understand and look forward to a special time of her own at Grandpa and Grandma's house.
We celebrated with a party earlier this month. Her birthday will always be on the first day of Winter so I love the choice of a snowflake cake for her.
Her older siblings were more excited than she was about her party and at first she was a little bashful as it to say, "what's all the fuss about,"
but when Kristen showed her the cake she beamed a happy smile. It was hard to get a good picture of her because she covered her mouth with her hands but you can see by her eyes she is smiling.
And she loved blowing out the candles!
I sure am happy to have this little girl in our lives. Happy birthday sweet Hannah!