Saturday was Lehman distribution day. As I said in an earlier blog, the children chose the items that they wanted from Dad and Mom's house and now it was the grandchildren and great-grandchildren's turn to choose theirs.
Each grandchild was asked to make a list of the things they wanted. Most of them wrote down between twenty and thirty things. They were given a couple of hours to walk around and browse through everything and then at 11:00 am, we all congregated outside. Each grandchild was given a pallet that they could bring the items back to after they picked them up. Steve was the "auctioneer." After everyone was standing on their pallet, Steve called out their names in order of age. He started with the oldest and went in order down to the youngest, and then from the youngest back up to the oldest. When their name was called, the grandchild had five seconds to say the item that they chose and then they went into the house or garage and picked it up and returned to their pallet for the next time their name was called. If the item was too big for them to carry, they were given a sticky note to write their name on and put it on the piece they had chosen. This ended up being a lot of fun and there was a lot of laughter as each person claimed their choices. Of course there was an occasional "shucks, that was MY next pick," but for the most part everyone was able to get what they wanted. Megan said that there was really only one thing that someone took before she got to it on her list (and she is the second to youngest grandchild) and I heard other grandchildren saying that as well. Great-grandchildren enjoyed helping their parent pick things up and "guarding" their pallet.
Just to add humor to the day, Steve donned that silly wig and Dad's big overcoat that I showed you pictures of on my previous blog. It was funny to watch the expressions on the grandchildren and great-grandchildren's faces the first time they saw him. They all kind of did a double-take and then looked again and laughed. Alexis and Lydia were a little unsure about their Grandpa and kept looking at him to make sure it was really him. Here's a little side note on the wig: Steve and I were the first ones to arrive at the house in the morning and he put the wig on and then went outside to unload the pallets. While he was working, a neighbor lady who was walking her dog, saw activity at the house and stopped to inquire of him about Elsie and if the house was going to be put on the market. I looked out the window and saw Steve with the goofy wig on talking to this lady. He had forgotten he had it on! I went out on the porch and pointed for him to take it off and he quickly reached up and snatched it from his head. I'm not quite sure what the lady thought but it was pretty funny!
When it appeared that the grandchildren were struggling to come up with more things that they wanted, we simply opened it up for everyone to walk through and take things. The great-grandchildren really enjoyed this part. They were allowed to choose one toy from the toys that were in the toy box and then those that were old enough and wanted to, just walked around and browsed through everything else. Alexis was especially fascinated with half-filled bottles of cologne and perfume and I'm pretty sure added them to her family's stash.
After the family was completely finished we invited some refugee families to come to the house and take things as well. They were so appreciative and had a hard time believing that everything was free. At the end of the day, the house looked quite a bit emptier. There is still some stuff to be sorted through but overall it was a successful and satisfying day.
I didn't take pictures of all the rooms but this is a good example of the many things there were to choose from. |
Even Mom got in on the wig fun. It was good to see her smiling and happy on this day that had to be difficult for her. |
Steve and his brother in deep discussion. Think Dan is telling him he looks pretty ridiculous in that wig? |
Grandchildren on their pallets and ready to go. |
More grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) waiting patiently on their pallet for the proceedings to begin. |
The accumulation is beginning. Alexis is guarding their pallet. I believe the things in the front are Shawn's. Not sure why they are not on a pallet. He did eventually move his stuff to one. |
Josh relaxes on a chair he chose, Kaylene checks her camera, and Judy and Keith talk with Krista, Tasha and Brianna. Yes that is Awstin running in the foreground with a yardstick. |
Here is Mom and Dad's desk that we got the other week when the children were choosing their items. I am so pleased with it. It fits so well in our house and has wonderful nooks and crannies that I love! |
It seems like we are closing a lot of chapters in the last couple of months. We are hoping to have the house sold in a few months and that will be the final chapter on this house at 15 Troy Drive for the Lehman family. It is good to see the way the family can work together with Mom and support her as she moves on to the next chapter of her life.