On Sunday we hosted a reunion for my siblings and their children and grandchildren. This reunion is one that I wondered how well would be attended since it is the third one since Dad died and it always seems that once the final parent dies, the reunions tend to fizzle out as well. To my surprise and delight everyone that lived within driving distance and that wasn't on vacation came. We had a total of 28 adults and 24 children for a grand total of 52 people! As you can imagine it was quite lively and everywhere you looked there were children running around with adults keeping an eye on them. The oldest great-grandchild is 16 and the youngest (twins) are nine months. There were nine children between the ages of 6 and 12 (and 2 older ones) and thirteen between the ages of 0 and 5. Another fun fact for our family is that we now have three sets of twins! My two oldest siblings (Les & Lois) are twins and my nieces Kate and Carrie both have twins (ages 2 1/2 years and 9 months, respectively).
Since there were so many children, Megan and I put together some games to do with them. We did the traditional "drop the clothespin", "throw the beanbag", "ring the lollipop", relays, and peanut scramble. She also organized a scavenger hunt for the older children and I planned one for those five and under. Well, mine didn't really turn out like I had planned, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the games because it is a little difficult to take pictures when you are the one leading the activity, but by all appearances the little ones seemed to enjoy themselves. Probably the biggest hit was the barrel train which as long as there was a willing driver, there were kids waiting in line to ride.
I tried to get pictures of as many people as I could, but in my zeal to snap ones of relatives who I don't see very often, I missed taking any of my own children! The only one of my children (and daughters-in-law) who is on a picture is Megan. Alexis and Lydia show up in one of the barrel train and Mark made the corner of another, but there is none of Awstin. I promise my family was all there, I just don't have the pictures to prove it!
The boy in the red shirt in the yellow car and the one in the blue car are twins (Drew & Colten) The other two children are their brother and sister, Gavin & Angie. They are my niece Kate's children.
My brother Gene is in the red car with his grandson Isaac. It looks like the children are enjoying the ride more then Gene!
Here are the 9 month old twins, Micah & Naomi. They are the children of my niece, Carrie. Isaac is their big brother.
My nephew Chet with his daughter, Claire. My sister-in-law Marilyn is on the other seat.
We named the pavilion in memory of my parents :)
Red barrel - Zachary (Duane's), yellow - Sierra (Duane's) & Katie (Brian's), green - Kira (Brian's) & Jayna (Duane's), Blue - Clara (Rachel's)
Driver - Joseph (oldest great grandchild (Rachel's), red - Katie & Sierra, yellow - Alexis & Lydia, green - Jayna, blue - Kyle (Brian's)
What are you doing Jeremy?
I guess whatever is was, Megan didn't like it :)
My niece Rachel and her daughters, Emma (looking in bag) and Clara (in pink chair). Steve is talking to my nephew Brian. My nephews Duane and Steve are in the back.
Left to right - Kristina (Duane's wife), my niece Kendra, my niece Kate, Renita (Brian's wife). The two children are Kate's
My two oldest nephews, Duane and Steve catching up with each other (Duane is 2 weeks older). Emma (Rachel's daughter) is in front.
Zachary shows us how to use a hammock!
On the left are my nephew Steve's sons, Ethan and Lucas. On the right is Abigail (Rachel's)
Alexis is carrying the bucket, Gavin is following. Mark is off to the right pushing the swing.
My siblings decided the barrel train looked like fun. They discovered it wasn't easy to get in and out!
Lined up according to age - youngest to oldest, Me, Glen, Gene, Les, Lois
I really like this one
I didn't get the memo that I was to wear red :)
With our spouses (l-r) Marilyn, Glen, Lois, Jim, Marian, Les, Rhoda, Gene, Me, Steve
It was so nice to see everyone. The weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the laughter was contagious, and the smiles of the children were priceless.