Saturday, May 31, 2014

Words Can Make Your Day

This past week was a little tough. We had some disappointments that we weren't expecting and suddenly life looks complicated. On Thursday evening Jay called and asked if Steve and I could watch the children for them while they went to a viewing on Friday evening. Of course we said "yes." We love being with our grandkids and it would be nice to take a break from the thoughts and problems that consumed us.

I drove the car up to their house and Steve followed about an hour later with the sprayer as he was planning to spray some of Jay's fields for him the next day. The evening was beautiful and the children were just eating their supper when I got there. Jay and Kristen soon left and as they walked out to their car, Lydia said happily over her mouthful of macaroni and cheese, "I like when Mommy and Daddy go away and you come and stay with us." Awww. My heart just melted and the day suddenly got brighter. It is amazing how a few words can lift your spirits. How nice it is to feel loved!
After they finished eating, the kids and I went out in the front yard and played on the swing set and did other fun stuff in the yard while we waited for Grandpa to arrive. Here is a picture of Lydia and Alexis with helicopter leaves on their noses. 
We finally saw the tractor and sprayer coming up the road and the children went and sat at the edge of the yard while Grandpa parked the tractor over by the barn. As he walked over to us here is a video of them calling his name. I love the little boy echo at the end.

Lydia loves critters and for her birthday her other grandma gave her a little jar labeled, "My bug house." Lydia carries it everywhere and one never knows what you will find residing inside it. Last evening, she had a little frog in it. You can't see the frog, but here is a picture of her with the jar.
I tried to persuade her to take the frog down to the pond and let it go, but she didn't want to. Finally, I succeeded and we all walked to the pond, where she opened the lid and the little frog happily escaped his prison and dove into the water. It was so peaceful by the water, and we played there for a long time. Here is a picture of Steve and Lydia and Mark walking back up to the house. You can see that Lydia is clutching her empty bug house and Mark is proudly carrying flowers. Unfortunately, I only had my phone to take pictures, so the quality isn't very good.

Such a fun evening. Thank you God for little children!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Well, I've seen a few hailstorms in my life, but I believe Thursday's tops all of them.

The day started out sunny and bright. I hadn't paid any attention to the forecast and just assumed that the day would stay that way. Around 3:00, Neil (my boss) informed me that there was a nasty storm projected to hit our area in about an hour, just the time I would be driving home.  Still, I was not overly concerned. I've seen a few storms in my lifetime and honestly, I rather enjoy a lightening and thunder display.

As I started for home, the sky was darkening and I could see threatening clouds forming. I hoped to make it home before the storm hit. I had some papers to drop off at the Eby's  (a family from church who lives near us) but that would only take me a few extra minutes. Just as I turned into their driveway, it started pouring. I sat in my car outside their house, hoping that it would let up a little so I could quickly run in. As I waited, Justin (their 10 year old son) dashed out of the house and I gladly put down my window and handed the papers over to him. About halfway out their long driveway, I heard pelting against the car, like sleet. Neil had said something about hail so I figured there must be a little bit mixed in with the rain. I thought to myself, "I guess this is going to be quite a storm." I started cautiously down River Road and suddenly, "WHAM!!" The car was being pummeled with huge balls of hail!  They hit the windshield with such force that I was certain it would shatter. I suddenly wondered if I would survive. I could hardly see anything and I should have pulled off at Tucquan Glen and waited it out, but I stubbornly kept on driving. The trees bent in the violent wind and leaves and branches hit my car along with the unrelenting hail. At this point, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to survive. I expected any second that either a tree would fall on me and the car, or the hail would come through the car roof or windshield and kill me. Believe me, I was praying as I inched along!

It seems like an eternity when you are enduring a frightening experience, but gradually I drove out of the woods and I no longer had to worry about a tree collapsing on me. The hail was still violently coming down, but the car stayed intact. I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I pulled into our driveway and shut the car off and sprinted into the house. Within minutes, the storm was over.

The amazing thing was, when I examined my car there was not a dent or scratch on it! I could not believe it. The car must be made of tough metal! I tried to tell Steve and Megan how frightened I was and how big the hail was and I could tell they didn't really believe me. However, the Eby's had grabbed a camera and took some pictures so I have proof that what I went through was real. In the above picture, Justin is displaying some of the chunks in his hand. Here is a picture of a pile that gathered alongside their barn.

As I thought back over my experience an old hymn kept coming to mind, "Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by." That was certainly my prayer as I drove through the hail. I felt just like the song states,

"when the storm howls above me,
and there's no hiding place;
'Mid the crash of the thunder (hail),
Precious Lord, hear my cry;
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by."

It is comforting to know that God holds me in the hollow of his hand through all the "storms" of life. Here is a link to this wonderful hymn.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Lydia is 3!

Today is Lydia's 3rd birthday! Last evening we were invited to her party and of course I took pictures. She is such a sweetheart and one of the four reasons that I love being a Grandma (the other three reasons are Alexis, Mark & Awstin).

It was her idea for everyone to wear party hats.

Here is a close-up of Jay with his party hat on. I did not get a picture of anyone else with their hats, but I saw Kristen snapping some pictures of Steve and I with ours. Thankfully, she doesn't have Facebook, so I don't have to worry about them surfacing on there!
Here is the birthday song video, complete with a hat malfunction and several tries to blow out the candles.

Kristen always makes the most creative cakes for her children's birthdays.

Opening her presents.
She was pretty excited about the shovel!
There is never a dull moment in this household. Have I mentioned that I love this family!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Three Days of Pictures

This past weekend was busy. On Friday I had Awstin all day (having switched from my normal Wednesday), on Saturday afternoon and evening I kept Jay & Kristen's children, and on Sunday, Steve and I and Megan and Jeremy, traveled to Penn State for Megan's graduation. Each day I took some pictures, so I decided to make this post a picture blog. As the saying goes, "sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words." (If you click on the pictures, they will enlarge, but then you can't see my captions.)

Awstin is fascinated by Chip's eating.
Going closer for a better look.

Checking each other out.

Looking to see if Chip is following him.

I  just love the cap!

He was so happy to be outside!
Just look at him go. I had to move fast to save him from going over the edge! 

Uh. Mark, that highchair is a little small for you!
This little guy is growing up fast!
Alexis wanted Grandpa to take her for a barrel train ride. Lydia did not want to go but Mark was all excited about going too until...
...Grandpa started up the 4-wheeler. Mark's eyes got big and he begged me to get him out... just one happy little girl went...
...oh and of course Chip accompanied them.
It started to rain, so I gave Alexis an umbrella.
Lydia and Mark look on wide-eyed as Grandpa and Alexis pass.
Chip got tired so came back to play with Lydia and Mark. He had cooled himself in the pond which is why he is wet.
Ahhh. Lydia has always loved Chip!
I love Mark laughing in the background.
They enjoyed playing in Chip's water.
After a 2 1/2 hour drive we arrived.

Megan finds her seat.
Jeremy waits "patiently" for the ceremony to begin.
Standing for the processional.
The students flip their tassels to the left side and become official graduates of Penn State.
Lining up. Megan is 2nd to last.
Getting closer...
...and closer.
Receiving congratulations.
Somebody gave Megan flowers. was this guy...good job, Jeremy
We are so proud of her. Our first child to receive a college degree!
Looks like Steve "graduated" too.
Mother's Day Mother and Daughter Picture
Afterwards we went back to Megan's "adopted" family for supper. Megan stayed at their place during the past school year. From the sounds of it, both sides enjoyed each other's company very much. A big thank you to the Kauffman's for taking such good care of our daughter!