Sunday, November 24, 2013


Here's a Thanksgiving acrostic of what I am thankful for this season:

T - Trees that put on a spectacular display of beauty this fall before dropping their leaves.

H - Hardworking and loving husband.

A - All my children and grandchildren.

N - Nice, warm home.

K - Kind, thoughtful co-workers.

S - Salvation.

G - Godly heritage.

I - Incredible times of fun and laughter with family and friends.

V - Vacation that is coming up in 2 weeks!

I - Ill-fitting clothes (this means I lost weight!)

N - New Hope Community Life Ministry (where I work)

G - Grass that is not growing so doesn't need mowed.

Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home;
All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.
God our Maker doth provide for our wants to be supplied;
Come to God's own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home.

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Helping Hand

Years ago, when our children were small, a friend sent us a $500.00 check in the mail. We hadn't asked for it and he had no idea what a godsend it was. He just sent it with a note that said, "I figured you could probably use this." Ever since this, we have at times tried to do acts of kindness to others as well. Usually we have no idea whether what we give comes at "just the right time" or if it is just viewed as a special blessing that was given to them. We try to be sensitive to where there might be a need but we can't really know because people in our circles don't generally verbalize when they are hurting and could use some help.

Recently, I received a Facebook message from a woman asking me if I knew anywhere that she could receive help with food and clothing. *Cathy* was someone who had attended our church's community day and her daughter had come to our Kid's Club program a few times, but I hadn't heard from her in a little while. I knew that she was having a hard time finding a job and sensed that she was in desperate need of a helping hand.

I made a few phone calls and was able to connect her with a thrift store that gives out free underwear and socks as well as allowing those who qualify to pick out a few outfits from the store for each member of their family. I also called the food bank that operates in her area and after the manager of the food bank talked with me and with Cathy, she is now signed up to receive food twice a month from them. That very day a coworker told me about a local church that operates a "Kitchen Cupboard" out of their church basement for the community. Instead of providing groceries, they supply the things that one can't usually get on food stamps but that are necessities such as laundry and dish detergent, soap, trash bags, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, toilet paper, razors, deodorant, shampoo, etc.

I took Cathy to the thrift store and she received new underwear and socks and picked out several outfits and coats and shoes for her and the other members of her family. I also took her to the Kitchen Cupboard and she got those needed household items that she just couldn't afford to purchase. She will be able to return every six weeks for as long as she needs to. On Wednesday, the local Food Bank will deliver groceries to her door and that too will continue every other week until she can get back on her feet.

Most people would consider that I was the one giving the blessing and it is true that I did make the initial contacts so Cathy could receive some much needed help. However, by doing this act of kindness, I received a blessing as well. What amazed and  blessed me the most, was just realizing that there are people and organizations that do genuinely care for those who are hurting. It is because someone cares that families are going hungry that a Food Bank gets started. Someone cares that people can't buy basic necessities and that is how a "Kitchen Cupboard" becomes a reality. A thrift store wouldn't have to give out free underwear, socks and clothing, but because someone cares that there are people who can't afford to clothe their family, this service is offered. We hear so much about how everyone only looks out for themselves and how the whole welfare system is abused but I was touched by the ministries that were available to my friend when she desperately needed them. It made me appreciate how many people are working behind the scenes somewhere to lend a hand to those who are having a hard time.

Cathy was so grateful for the generosity that was bestowed on her. I hope and pray that someday she can be the one passing on a blessing to others. There are times in everyone's life when we could use a helping hand. We should not be ashamed to ask if we need help. I have found that usually both the giver and the reciprocate receive a blessing. Perhaps the greatest satisfaction came when I messaged Cathy and asked her if there was anything else specific that she needed at this time. She responded, "Thank you again for today. I think we have everything we need. Thanks!"

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...I needed clothes and you clothed me..." Matthew 25:35,36